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Green Tourmaline

Zodiacs: Capricorn, Virgo, Gemini

Chakra: Heart


Planetary Association: Venus

Number Vibration:6

Green Tourmaline (AKA Verdelite) is the supreme Heart Chakra crystal! It assists in healing energies and removing blockages around the entire energetic system, although it focuses on the heart. Green Tourmaline is also flowing with abundance and assists with attracting money and success of all kinds. It also encourages one to reach for their true desires. This stone aids in connecting one to the cycles of life which assists in planning and implementing new projects. From the green color and ancient nature, it connects with ancient Earth energy. It can also help with connecting to nature spirits. Overall, this stone is a bundle of strength and vitality while still balancing the energy to be one with the Earth.

Pink Tourmaline

Zodiacs: Libra, Sagittarius, Scorpio

Chakra: Heart

Element: Water

Planetary Association: Venus

Number Vibration: 9

Plum Blossom Tourmaline

Zodiac: Libra, Sagittarius, Scorpio, Capricorn

Chakra: Root, Heart, Third Eye

Element: Water, Earth

Planetary Association: Venus, Earth

Number Vibrations: 2, 9

Plum Blossom Tourmaline is a mixture of Rubellite Tourmaline (which is Pink Tourmaline & Lepidolite) and Smoky Quartz. This amazing stone combines the loving, feminine energy from the Pink Tourmaline, with the calm, soothing energy of Lepidolite with the protective qualities of Smoky Quartz. Plum Blossom Tourmaline can help diffuse EMF pollution from our wireless devices, provide protection during ritual and shamanic work and can absorb and transmute negative energy (including protection from energy vampires). Deep heart healing, overcoming trust issues, releasing emotional baggage, and breaking patterns of negative self-talk are a few of the benefits of this amazing trifecta stone. You can also use it to revitalize passion in relationships or just in life in general.  The connection to the Earth will aid in dispersing fear and negativity and assist in uncovering the root of your issues. If you have social anxiety or are dealing with issues in sexuality, this stone can add support and comfort in these areas. It is also good to use for conflict resolution, boosting productivity, anxiety relief, insomnia and special needs support.


  • 1064 S. Main Street, 2B West Creek NJ 08092
  • Ph: 609-290-7218
  • Retail Hours: Tuesday 12-6pm; Wednesday-Friday 11AM - 7PM, Sat. 12-5 & By Appointment, 7 Days a Week