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Aura Precious Metals

Zodiac: Aries

Chakra: Crown

Element: Air

Planetary Association: Sun, Moon

Number Vibration: 33

Aura coated crystals are natural crystals that have been coated with precious metals by a technique called “electrostatic bonding.” While the crystals do not grow this way, this decorative enhancement stimulates the outer layers of the crystals and as a result can actually help with our own auric field. The most common metals used are Gold, Silver, Titanium, Copper, Iron, Magnesium & Nickel which add to the properties of the original stone. In addition, as most aura coated crystals are some variety of quartz, the properties of the metal are also amplified. Not many other stones can withstand the bonding process so the ones that do are definitely special in their own right. While this is an enhanced product, the natural stone underneath still retains its healing properties and you get some amazing colors and extra strength from the metals!


  • 1064 S. Main Street, 2B West Creek NJ 08092
  • Ph: 609-290-7218
  • Retail Hours: Tuesday 12-6pm; Wednesday-Friday 11AM - 7PM, Sat. 12-5 & By Appointment, 7 Days a Week