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Zodiacs: Aquarius, Capricorn, Pisces, Virgo

Chakras: Third Eye, Crown

Elements: Air , Water 

Planetary Association: Jupiter

Number Vibration: 3

Amethyst is an extremely popular stone among collectors. It is a stone of balance & stability, and was used by ancient civilizations in wine glasses to prevent drunkenness. Amethyst is a wonderful stone for developing one’s spiritual abilities, such as intuition, clairvoyance, and connecting with one’s spirit guides. Amethyst can raise the vibration in both people and other crystals, making it a good stone for getting rid of negative energies. Amethyst strengthens the bond between mind, body, & spirit and helps to heal holes or weak spots in one’s aura. It can be very useful in meditation, allowing its user to access higher vibration realms and to overall bring yourself to the next level in the metaphysical world.

Rose Quartz


Zodiacs: Taurus, Libra

Chakra: Heart

Element: Water

Planetary Association: Venus

Number Vibration: 7

Rose Quartz is most known for promoting self-love, compassion and forgiveness. Anything to do with love and the heart is supported with the soft energy of this soothing crystal.  It is the stone of universal love that opens the heart, assists in healing heartache, helps restore trust and harmony in relationships (including your relationship with yourself) and promotes friendship and peace.




  • 1064 S. Main Street, 2B West Creek NJ 08092
  • Ph: 609-290-7218
  • Retail Hours: Tuesday 12-6pm; Wednesday-Friday 11AM - 7PM, Sat. 12-5 & By Appointment, 7 Days a Week