Orthoclase aka K-Spar or K-Feldspar
Zodiac: Cancer
Chakras: All
Element: Fire
Planetary Association: Pluto
Number Vibration: 9
This interesting mineral is a primary component of Moonstone. Traces of this mineral were found in the lunar sand brought back from the Apollo missions to the moon and it was also discovered in higher amounts in some areas of the surface of Mars. This powerful crystal is primarily known for its ability to assist in transformation especially around Love, Happiness & Joy. It helps the user ground and begin to understand their emotions, which connects you to yourself on a deeper level allowing you to shift negative thought patterns and negative self-talk. Orthoclase can assist in letting go of the smaller stressors in life, allowing for more clarity in following your path unencumbered by what others think you should be doing. It will also aid in clearing the lower frequencies so you can begin to see the blessings of the “dark” times and ease trauma from the hardships you have faced. This crystal brings new hope, new beginnings, passion, vitality, good fortune, and luck through the purification of stagnant energy and subsequent rejuvenation of energy flow through your energy body.
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