Kiwi Jasper (aka Sesame Jasper)
Zodiacs: Aries, Leo, Sagittarius
Chakras: Root, Sacral, Heart
Element: Fire
Planetary Association: Mars
Number Vibration: 4
Kiwi Jasper is a newer find (2014) out of New Zealand. It is a conglomerate stone made of usually Quartz, Tourmaline and Amazonite. The greenish version is generally called Kiwi Jasper and the whiter stones are often called Sesame Jasper. This trifecta creates a powerful crystal that can absorb negative energy, reduce stress and cleanse and align your chakra system as well as clear out the auric field. Kiwi Jasper works to balance your physical, emotional and mental bodies and bring them into alignment with the etheric (spiritual) realm. This nurturing stone offers support in overcoming addictions as it works to help you face reality, shift your attitude and to see alternative perspectives. While Kiwi can give off a calm, tranquil vibe, it can also be used to uplift and give you an energy boost when needed. Please be sure to cleanse your Kiwi Jasper regularly as it does need to be cleared of the negative energy that is absorbed.
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