Goldstone (Red/Blue/Green/Purple)
Zodiac: Sagittarius
Chakras: All
Element: Fire
Planetary Association: Earth
Number Vibration: 3
Goldstone is a glass that contains flecks of Copper that was created accidentally in Venice, Italy back in the 17th Century. There are records, however, of a similar type of material earlier in Persia. While the most common is a brown/red color, it can also come in Blue, Green and Purple based on infusions of Cobalt, Manga. This stone brings a calm strength to the user and can act as an energy filter. Goldstone brings in motivation, creativity and helps give you a fresh perspective as well as enhancing confidence and self-esteem. All of the variations can aid in manifesting your intentions, but there are subtle differences based on the color. The traditional Goldstone brings ambition and drive, Blue Goldstone is for big picture manifesting and achieving your goals; Green Goldstone is going to focus more on matters of the heart, healing and luck and Purple Goldstone (Merlin Stone) brings in honest, truthful communication, wizard energy and can amplify distance healing work. No matter which version you choose, you can amp up your manifesting abilities with Goldstone!
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