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Zodiac: Scorpio

Chakras: Crown, Third Eye, Throat

Element: Water

Planetary Associations: Neptune, Earth

Number Vibrations: 4, 8 

Named for the location it was first found, Afghanite is a rare mineral with a complex, unusual structure. It is often found near Hackmanite and Lazurite and it’s coloring comes from a mineral content similar to Lazurite. Afghanite works primarily in the Crown and Third Eye Chakras and it’s high vibration helps you connect to the upper realms including your higher self, spirit guides, and angels. This mineral can expand your consciousness and spiritual awareness as it opens up your intuitive gifts such as clairvoyance, claircognizance, mediumship and telepathy. Afghanite also assists in interpreting the signs and symbols you receive and reminds us that we are not alone in our journey. If you have been looking for a high vibe stone to develop and/or hone your intuition, this is the stone for you!


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Afghanite Carvings



Afghanite Pyramid (~1.5")



Afghanite "Chunky" Tumble Bracelet



Afghanite Obelisk


  • 1064 S. Main Street, 2B West Creek NJ 08092
  • Ph: 609-290-7218
  • Retail Hours: Tuesday 12-6pm; Wednesday-Friday 11AM - 7PM, Sat. 12-5 & By Appointment, 7 Days a Week